Employing all five fingers of this weight loss program, you will have prepared yourself for a healthier, happier anti-aging lifestyle. You will feel energized and powerful. You will develop the ability to fight off disease and recover from injury. You may even prevent or postpone toxic inflammatory disease states such as:
Practicing the 5 Finger Diet program will encourage you to make healthy diet and lifestyle choices that will prevent toxic inflammation in your body. Uncontrolled toxic inflammation is the process by which most preventable diseases cause permanent damage to your tissues. Employing The 5 Finger Diet will reduce your inflammation down to therapeutic levels, and provide real, attainable health solutions that will give you the chance to lose weight, feel great and be better than ever.
Take this program, like the five fingers of your hand. Pull them all together to make a strong, tight fist. Now, strike back at obesity, strike back at preventable chronic disease states and strike back at premature aging and cancer. You can make the decision to change your life now, turn back the clock and live the past ten years all over again. Take these tools and put them to work building a better tomorrow for you, your family and friends.
Lose weight through:
Defecation, Perspiration, Respiration, Urination and Recreation
If you count:
On all five fingers daily, you will be losing weight and getting into better shape in no time. Soon you will become accustomed to the changes and your new anti-aging lifestyle will feel like second nature to you. After all, it is only natural. This is the all-natural way to lose weight, be fit and live a longer happier lifestyle. Give it a good six-week trial and I am sure you will be hooked for a lifetime.
Remember, only by making true and sustainable changes to your current condition will you make this or any diet work for you in the long run.
There is no use sitting there any longer. Get pumped up! Get motivated! This is your wakeup call now go ahead and get started right away.
You can do this! There is nothing left to stop you. Change the trajectory of your current health and fly strong and straight as an arrow towards the good life. Join me by counting five fingers daily and we will get there together. It’s never too late. Make yourself and your loved ones proud.
Try this poem to make it easy to remember:
EAT 30 to 40 grams of fiber a day
SWEAT out the toxins and wash them away
BREATHE from your belly and practice to a fault
DRINK plenty of water and cut out the salt
STRENGTHEN your muscles and STRETCH every day
The 5 Finger Diet will blow you away
Just lift up a hand and count. It's easy, it's fun, it's simple and It works.
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The 5 Finger Diet By Dr. Allan